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Short CV

  • since 03/2019: Postdoctoral researcher at the Vienna University of Technology, CD Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Optimization for Planning and Scheduling

  • 08/2019: birth of my daughter Linnea

  • 06/2016-04/2017: Research Facilitator at the Department of Statistics at the University of Oxford

  • 03/2016-05/2016: Research visit at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

  • 07/2015-05/2016: Postdoctoral researcher at the Vienna University of Technology

  • 06/2015: Defense of my PhD thesis Patterns in labelled combinatorial objects supervised by Alois Panholzer

  • 02/2014: Research visit at the University of Florida, Gainesville.

  • 10/2011-06/2015: PhD studies at the Vienna University of Technology under the supervision of Alois Panholzer

  • 06/2011: Master thesis (Diplomarbeit) Restricted Permutations on Multisets supervised by Alois Panholzer

  • 08/2008-12/2008: Erasmus exchange term at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH), Sweden

  • 10/2005-06/2011: Studies of Technical Mathematics (Technische Mathematik) at the Vienna University of Technology

  • 1993-2005: Lycée Français de Vienne
    06/2005: French Baccalauréat and Austrian Matura
You can find a longer CV here.